May 7, 2017: Increase in sales for educational toys
The sales of educational toys have increased by 20 percent in the first quarter of 2017. Chairman of the Association of Educational and Traditional Toys (APMETI), Danang Sasongko, said that the surge can be attributed to increased government allocation towards educational toys. This effort comes under the Pengadaan Mainan untuk Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) project. PAUD refers to early childhood education centres that are state-owned. Every PAUD is given USD300 – USD400 to procure educational toys.
According to Danang, the growth of sales would be below five percent for each quarter if they were to exclude purchases made by PAUD’s. APMETI has a combined production capacity of 176,000 toys per month with the total output currently paced at 88,000 to 110,000 units per month.